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You must Know these 50 commands short cut to use Auto CADD smoothly.

AutoCAD has hundreds of commands that can be used for drafting and design purposes. Here are some of the most commonly used AutoCAD commands:

LINE - Draw a straight line segment between two points.

CIRCLE - Draw a circle by specifying its centre and radius.

ARC - Draws an arc by specifying its centre, radius, and start and end angles.

RECTANGLE - Draw a rectangle by specifying its two opposite corners.

ERASE - Deletes selected objects from the drawing.

MOVE - Moves selected objects from one location to another.

COPY - Creates a copy of selected objects.

ARRAY - Creates a pattern of selected objects in rows and columns.

MIRROR - Creates a mirror image of selected objects.

OFFSET - Creates a parallel line or curve at a specified distance from an existing line or curve.

POLYLINE - Draws a continuous line composed of multiple segments.

HATCH - Fills a closed area with a pattern or solid colour.

DIMENSION - Adds dimensions to objects in the drawing.

TEXT - Adds text to the drawing.

BLOCK - Creates a reusable object that can be inserted into the drawing.

INSERT - Inserts a block or other external reference into the drawing.

VIEWPORT - Defines a specific area of the drawing to be displayed in a layout.

LAYER - Manages layers, which organize objects in the drawing.

PURGE - Removes unused objects from the drawing.

EXPLODE - Breaks a block or other composite object into its component parts.

TRIM - Cuts objects to the nearest intersecting object.

EXTEND - Lengthens objects to meet the nearest intersecting object.

FILLET - Rounds the corner of two intersecting objects.

CHAMFER - Bevels the corner of two intersecting objects.

ARRAYPOLAR - Creates a polar array of objects around a specified center point.

ARRAYRECT - Creates a rectangular array of objects.

STRETCH - Stretches objects within a specified boundary.

ALIGN - Aligns objects with a specified point, line, or other object.

ROTATE - Rotates objects around a specified point.

SCALE - Scales objects by a specified factor.

BREAK - Breaks an object into two or more parts.

JOIN - Joins two or more objects into a single object.

MTEXT - Creates a multiline text object.

TABLE - Creates a table that can be used to organize data in the drawing.

MIRROR3D - Creates a 3D mirror image of selected objects.

SWEEP - Creates a 3D solid or surface by sweeping a 2D profile along a path.

EXTRUDE - Creates a 3D solid or surface by extruding a 2D profile along a path.

REVOLVE - Creates a 3D solid or surface by revolving a 2D profile around a specified axis.

LOFT - Creates a 3D solid or surface by lofting between two or more 2D profiles.

RENDER - Renders the drawing to create a photorealistic image.

LAYOUT - Switches to paper space layout and allows you to set up your drawing for printing or plotting.

PLOT - Creates a physical print or plot of the drawing.

QSELECT - Selects objects based on specific criteria, such as layer, color, or object type.

PROPERTIES - Displays the properties of selected objects, such as layer, color, linetype, and more.

MATCHPROP - Applies the properties of one object to another object.

GROUP - Groups selected objects together for easy manipulation.

UNDO - Reverses the last command or action.

REDO - Reapplies the last undone command or action.

OPTIONS - Displays the options dialog box, which allows you to customize various settings in AutoCAD.

LAYERSTATE - Saves a snapshot of the current layer settings for later use.

DESIGNCENTER - Opens the DesignCenter palette, which provides access to blocks, layers, linetypes, and more.

TOOLPALETTES - Displays the Tool Palettes window, which provides access to various tools and commands.

SNAP - Sets the snap spacing for objects in the drawing.

GRID - Displays a grid of dots or lines to help you align and position objects.

OSNAP - Enables object snap mode, which allows you to snap to specific points on objects.
